ADMET Benchmark Group

ADMET is a cornerstone of small molecule drug discovery, defining drug efficacy and toxicity profile. An ML model that could accurately predict all ADMET properties using structural information of compounds would be greatly valuable.

We formulate the ADMET Benchmark Group using 22 ADMET datasets in TDC. The ADMET Group contains the following datasets:

from tdc import utils
names = utils.retrieve_benchmark_names('ADMET_Group')
# ['caco2_wang', 'hia_hou', ....]

Type the following to access any benchmark in the group, for example, Caco2_Wang:

from tdc.benchmark_group import admet_group
group = admet_group(path = 'data/')
benchmark = group.get('Caco2_Wang')

predictions = {}
name = benchmark['name']
train_val, test = benchmark['train_val'], benchmark['test']

## --- train your model --- ##

predictions[name] = y_pred
# {'caco2_wang': {'mae': 0.234}}

Follow the instructions on how to use the BenchmarkGroup class and obtain training, validation, and test sets, and how to submit your model to the leaderboard.

For every dataset in the benchmark group, we use the scaffold split to partition the dataset into training, validation, and test sets. We hold out 20% data samples for the test set. The performance metrics are:

  • For binary classification:
    • AUROC is used when the number of positive and negative samples are similar.
    • AUPRC is used when the number of positive samples are much smaller than negative samples.
  • For regression:
    • MAE is used for majority of benchmarks.
    • Spearman's correlation coefficient is used for benchmarks that depend on factors beyond the chemical structure.

We encourage submissions that reports results for the entire benchmark group. Still, we welcome and accept submissions that report partial results, for example, submissions with results for just one out of five ADMET categories.

Benchmark Data Summary


Absorption measures how a drug travels from the site of administration to site of action.

Dataset Unit Size Task Metric Dataset Split
Caco2 cm/s 906 Regression MAE Scaffold
HIA % 578 Binary AUROC Scaffold
Pgp % 1,212 Binary AUROC Scaffold
Bioav % 640 Binary AUROC Scaffold
Lipo log-ratio 4,200 Regression MAE Scaffold
AqSol log mol/L 9,982 Regression MAE Scaffold


Drug distribution refers to how drug moves to and from the various tissues of the body and the amount of drugs in the tissues.

Dataset Unit Size Task Metric Dataset Split
BBB % 1,975 Binary AUROC Scaffold
PPBR % 1,797 Regression MAE Scaffold
VDss L/kg 1,130 Regression Spearman Scaffold


Drug metabolism measures how specialized enzymatic systems breakdown the drugs and it determines the duration and intensity of a drug's action.

Dataset Unit Size Task Metric Dataset Split
CYP2C9 Inhibition % 12,092 Binary AUPRC Scaffold
CYP2D6 Inhibition % 13,130 Binary AUPRC Scaffold
CYP3A4 Inhibition % 12,328 Binary AUPRC Scaffold
CYP2C9 Substrate % 666 Binary AUPRC Scaffold
CYP2D6 Substrate % 664 Binary AUPRC Scaffold
CYP3A4 Substrate % 667 Binary AUROC Scaffold


Drug excretion is the removal of drugs from the body using various different routes of excretion, including urine, bile, sweat, saliva, tears, milk, and stool.

Dataset Unit Size Task Metric Dataset Split
Half Life hr 667 Regression Spearman Scaffold
CL-Hepa uL.min-1.(10^6 cells)-1 1,020 Regression Spearman Scaffold
CL-Micro mL.min-1.g-1 1,102 Regression Spearman Scaffold


Toxicity measures how much damage a drug could cause to organisms.

Dataset Unit Size Task Metric Dataset Split
LD50 log(1/(mol/kg)) 7,385 Regression MAE Scaffold
hERG % 648 Binary AUROC Scaffold
Ames % 7,255 Binary AUROC Scaffold
DILI % 475 Binary AUROC Scaffold